Following Jesus

Welcome to the family.

Whether you’re a new believer, you’ve recommitted your life to Christ, or you’re just curious, we’re so happy that you’re here. Following Jesus is the most important decision of your life, and you undoubtedly have tons of questions. If you do have questions, your first step can be attending “Pizza With the Pastor” where you will receive all the information you need to KNOW Jesus and begin your new life with Him.

If you want more information, need support, or simply want to share your good news with us, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff.

what does it mean to follow Jesus?

We don’t mean like on Instagram — we mean a life-transforming, heart-opening, and mind-changing decision to become a disciple of Jesus. Following Jesus means that you’re born again (John 3) and have changed the way you live your life. Some people think that becoming a Christ-follower means that life instantly gets easier, and you’ll never be tempted to sin again, when in fact, the opposite is true. The good news is that when you truly follow Jesus, you enter into a deeper relationship with Him, and it’s that spiritual connection that helps you get through the darkest valleys (Psalms 23:4) and guarantees you eternal life in heaven with Him (John 3:16).

why Should I follow Jesus?

Choosing to follow Jesus is a big decision — a life-changing one. So it’s okay to wonder why it’s so important and how it will impact your life. We’re here to tell you that there’s no downside. Here are a few things you can expect from becoming a Christ-follower:

  1. Ever-present comfort in times of struggle and hurt

  2. The promise of eternal life in heaven

  3. Forgiven and forgotten sins

  4. Blessings and fulfilled desires

  5. A sense of purpose and direction

  6. Undying, unwavering love, mercy, and patience

How do I begin a relationship with Jesus?

Following Jesus and beginning your relationship with Him is as simple as following these simple steps:

Step 1: Admit I am a sinner

We’re told in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” You read that right — all have sinned. That’s why the first step in starting your relationship with Jesus is to accept that you’re a sinner.

Now is the time to break down your walls and lay your shortcomings at His feet. Jesus listens with His heart and arms open and without judgement.

Step 2: believe jesus died for your sins

The wages of sin is death, but because God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you (even when you didn’t deserve it), you no longer have to pay for those sins (Romans 5:8 & 6:23). You also don’t have to live under the weight of your past transgressions or live in fear of future mistakes.

Believe today in the redeeming power of Jesus’ sacrifice and let that bring you peace.

Step 3: Commit & Follow

Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice to pave the way for you to have eternal life. In response to this incredible act of love, you’re called to turn away from sin and commit your life to Him (Romans 10:9-10).

You won’t be perfect (no one is), but now you can run towards Jesus for comfort and mercies that renew every single day (Lamentations 3:22-23).

To enter into a personal relationship with Jesus it starts with a prayer.
The words aren’t important. The genuine desire of your heart is what matters.


Need inspiration? Here’s a sample prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I know that I am a sinner and have failed to live up to your standards. I recognize and believe in your son Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection from the grave. I accept the free gift of salvation and eternal life and want to commit my life to you. Help me to turn from my old ways and begin living life according to your word. Thank you for your mercy, grace, and forgiveness and for the promise of a new life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray,


What do I do now?

Did you hear that? That’s the sound of heaven rejoicing.

And we’re just as excited for you! Congratulations and welcome to God’s family. We know what you’re thinking: what do I do now? Following Jesus is more than a one-and-done prayer. You’ve just embarked on a lifelong journey of getting to know Jesus better and strengthening your faith. Some of the best next steps you can take are:

  1. Commit to coming to church regularly

  2. Find time to spend daily quiet time with God (check out these resources)

  3. Join a small group

  4. Get baptized

  5. Share your story with others

We’re always here to support and encourage you. Get in touch with us if you have questions or need more information. If you need prayer support, fill out this form.