About Elevate


Our Story.

Elevate Community Church began with a calling from God and was supported through the encouragement from a few friends who also recognized the need for another thriving church in Sioux City. My heart has always been drawn towards those who are far from God or wrestling with their faith. My life’s desire is to love and accept people for who they are, build a friendship, and encourage them in their relationship with Christ.

As I look across the landscape of Sioux City, I have noticed that there are still plenty of people who do not have a church home, and I believe that no matter who you are, we are all hard-wired in our DNA with a desire to experience authentic community. My desire is to provide a church that sees everything we do through the lens of the gospel, to meet people where they are, love them, and provide the authentic community that God has designed for us to experience. In order to maintain this sense of authentic biblical community, I believe that God is calling us to grow this church to a sustainable number and then eventually plant more churches.

I also sense a desire for real spirit-led engaging worship where people can experience the presence of God. I love music but we also need to recognize that our lives are an act of worship as well. Therefore, we are embarking on what I believe is the greatest mission in the world and that is to go and make disciples and reach people for the sake of the gospel. I view the Church as the main vehicle that God has ordained to reach this world and the most valuable tool we have in our toolbox is love.

I believe people are the Church, not a building. So I invite you to join us on this great adventure to help people know Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, and go make a difference in the world!

- Pastor Chris Ver Steeg


“My desire is to provide a church that sees everything we do through the lens of the gospel, to meet people where they are at, love them and provide the authentic community that God has designed for us to experience.”

— Pastor Chris Ver Steeg


We believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on a cross and rose again so that we could have the forgiveness of our sins and a restored relationship with our heavenly Father. We believe that through a committed relationship with Jesus that lives are changed and your eternity is secure. (John 14:6)

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)

We believe that God has given each person gifts, abilities, passions and a purpose to help serve and further His kingdom. (Ephesians 4)


Our values.


Everything we do needs to be seen through the lens of the Gospel. We challenge people to take a leap of faith together as we become the hands and feet of Jesus by loving our neighbors, serving our city, and sending people out to impact the world.



Our desire is to provide solid teaching that is culturally relevant while remaining Biblically sound.


Authentic Community.

We believe that life change happens best in authentic biblical community — a safe place where people can connect, ask questions, build friendships, and explore faith together. No matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey, you will be welcomed and accepted here at Elevate.


Engaging Worship.

We want to provide music that elevates the name of Jesus and helps others to experience His presence in their lives.


Next Generation.

We want to provide a space where people can encounter Jesus in an age-appropriate environment that is fun, exciting, and relevant. From kindergartners to college students, we want to do our part to reach the next generation.


Our Vision.

Elevate Community Church exists to help people come to know Jesus Christ, grow in their faith, and go make a difference in the world.