Prayers for a Brand New School Year


The backpacks are packed, the pencils are sharpened, and the bells have rung. That’s right — it’s time for another school year. If you’re like us, you see the playground, cafeteria, and classroom as a mission field, a battlefield even. And our students, their teachers, and the administration supporting them need prayer support now more than ever. 

Here, Pastor Chris Ver Steeg and our team share a few of the prayers on his heart for schools across the country.

Prayers for students

New teacher, new friends, new classroom, oh my! The start of a new school year can be stressful even for the oldest students. Here are some things you may consider praying over as they step onto the bus and into another school year. 



We thank you for your constant provision and guidance. We trust that whatever students lack this year in school, you will provide for them. Whether in a school building or learning at home, we ask that you give them teachers who are filled with compassion, understanding, and grace. Fill their school year with abundant favor and blessing as they continue to improve their minds and their hearts. 


Courage and confidence

Thank you, Lord, 

That you have gone before us. You have made a way for us and given us the strength to accomplish everything you’ve assigned us to do on this earth. Instill this confidence in our students and equip them to persevere in the face of difficulty. Remind them where their confidence lies — in You.



Heavenly Father, 

Teach our students your ways that they may walk with understanding hearts. Give them the ability to discern between right and wrong. Help them to be brave enough to stand up for what’s right and glorify you in the process. 


Prayers for teachers and staff

Think even the most veteran teacher is cool as a cucumber when the first bell rings? Think again. Our teachers, administration, faculty, and staff need prayer support just as much as the students do. Here are some things you can be praying for. 


Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for the hundreds of teachers who work tirelessly to serve our children. Thank you for equipping them with the gift of teaching and giving them a heart for encouraging young people. Thank you for the teachers who dedicate their lives to inspire, uplift, and prepare the future generation. 

Thank you for teachers who teach what is good and righteous, for those teachers who teach as though they’re working for you. Thank you for those teachers who strive to set a good example of integrity, loyalty, hard work, goodness, and ambition. 

Thank you for teachers who reach out to the weakest students and challenge the strongest. Thank you for those teachers who exemplify your Son. We ask that you bless and keep our teachers this year and continue to empower them with your Holy Spirit. 


Wisdom and strength


We humbly ask for your blessings on this new school year. We ask that teachers, administrators, faculty, and staff begin the year with a renewed strength and passion for their callings. Fill them with wisdom, discernment in difficult situations, and compassion in their hearts for the students they serve. Encourage them, Lord, to work together towards a common good, filled with a desire to do your will. Equip them with the resources, energy, and hope they need to feel ready to take on each day. Allow them to see the profit in their hard work by watching their students grow in skill and character. 


We hope you’ll join us as we pray together for this new school year. If you have questions or prayer requests of your own, don’t hesitate to reach out on social media or by emailing us at


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