Dealing With Doubt and Disbelief — What Every Christ Follower Should Know

In Mark 9, a desperate father pleads with Jesus to heal his demon-possessed son. The father cries out, “‘If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.’” Jesus replies, “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

It’s a curious request — one that may puzzle and/or convict. 

The Bible says explicitly that you can’t please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6). It also makes it clear that anyone who doubts shouldn’t expect to receive anything from Him (James 1:7). These verses and others like it bother many Christians, especially those who struggle with doubt. 

Some of us are skeptics by nature, and others may have some underlying hard-heartedness we need to confront; either way (and regardless of where you are on your faith journey), facing doubt is often an inevitability.

If it feels like you can’t turn off your brain and control the doubts and disbeliefs, don’t worry. There’s nothing “bad” or strange about you, and you aren’t counted out of God’s kingdom. 

Even poets like Lord Tennyson recognized doubt's underlying power to bring you closer to God. He wrote, “There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe me, than in half the creeds.”

Consider also Thomas, a close friend and disciple of Jesus, doubted the resurrection and required proof that Jesus was alive (John 20:24-29). Furthermore, when the Risen Christ Himself stood before the people on a mountaintop in Galilee, Matthew reports that “some doubted.” For a Gospel writer to include that detail means that you are not alone in your doubt, you’re also in good company. 

Whether you doubt your salvation, God’s love, or His presence in your life, He always provides a pathway to a deeper faith — let’s take a look. 

Revel in the mystery

It’s only human to want to have all the answers, to be in control. We want to understand it all completely often before we even commit to God. 

While God, through His word and creation, has revealed so much to us, the truth is that there are things we simply won’t understand this side of heaven. 

We won’t ever fully comprehend the Trinity, the creation of the universe, or even God’s love for us. But what we can get our human minds around is enough to turn to and rest in God when mystery does arise. 

Turn to the Word

When you feel uncertain about a relationship with a friend or family member, you discuss your doubts with them. The same is true for the believer and God. To stop doubting, you must rebuild your trust in God and have a conversation with him by reading His word and meditating on His truths. 

When you were saved, the Holy Spirit instantly took up permanent residence in your heart. That was only the beginning of a life-long journey of getting to know God — and knowing Him comes from hearing from Him. 

As you fill your mind with proof of His power, love, and might, you become better able to flush out doubt. 

Pray it out

Prayer is a discipline that has eluded many, but once mastered is the most rewarding, especially if you’re in a season of doubt. It’s okay to bring your doubt to God just as you would your fear, anxiety, and temptations.

God hears your prayers, and as it is written in Scripture, those things we ask in accordance with His will shall come to pass. It is not God’s will to leave you in the dark, grappling with doubt on the inside and parading as a believer on the outside. Faith is a gift from God and one that we should praise Him and ask for daily. 

So, start today. Pray humbly and without distraction — keep a prayer journal if that helps you, recording your petitions and His answers. 

Remember, doubt is not evidence that your faith is small, and it’s much different than outright unbelief. Left unchecked, doubt can open the door to a hardened heart, but when brought to God in meekness and sincerity, can bring you closer to God than ever before. 

We’d love to pray with and for you during this time of uncertainty. Please contact us with your prayer requests, and someone from our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible. 


Pastor Chris and Kristi on marriage