Our Team


Pastor Chris Ver steeg

Lead Pastor

Meet the head honcho: Pastor Chris. He grew up in Rock Valley, Iowa, and it was there in the halls of his high school that he met his better half, Kristi. Together, he and his high school sweetheart have four daughters.

When he’s not (as he puts it) “swimming in the estrogen ocean, with hair everywhere,” you can find Pastor Chris hunting and fishing. Perhaps his favorite way to spend his day is striking up engaging, spiritual conversations with people who are skeptical about their faith.

His go-to Bible verse is Phillippians 4: 8-9, which daily reminds him to fix his eyes and his thoughts on only the positive things in life and to always lead with a grateful heart.

Since he planted it in 2017, Elevate has held a special place in Pastor Chris’ heart. He’s most excited about the diversity and authentic community people can find here. One of his main hopes and prayers for those who come to Elevate is that they realize we are a sent people, called to go make a difference in the world and help others come to know Christ.

We asked him with which biblical figure, famous pastor, or Chrisitan author he’d most want to have dinner. His answer? Dietrich Bonhoeffer.


Josh Weece

Worship Pastor

This is Josh — our resident Worship Pastor and creative teams leader. On any given Sunday, you’ll find him on the stage with a guitar or back in the media booth (often both, and sometimes, it seems, simultaneously).

Josh is a Midwest boy and proud of it. He was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma; grew up in Wichita, Kansas; and attended college in Manhattan, Kansas. It was there that he discovered his knack for the guitar and, most importantly, his desire for leading worship. God has sent Josh all over the country, but he ultimately settled in the Siouxland area, where he met his wife, Corrine, and began his family.

Romans 12:1-2 is the verse upon which he builds both his life and philosophy of true worship — only by humbly surrendering to the Holy Spirit, can we truly be used for God’s will and glory.

His favorite part of Elevate is the community and friendships that he sees developing here, which he feels is the foundation of a church’s ability to best serve God. He prays that Elevate continues its mission of fostering authentic community and bringing hope to those who are lost and hurting.

If Josh could have the dinner party of his dreams, he’d invite the man whose writings have inspired him: C.S. Lewis.


Lauren Roberg

Children’s Ministry Director

Say “hey” to Lauren Roberg. By day she’s a substitute teacher and part-time ice factory worker, and by every other moment, she’s our amazing Children’s Ministry Director.

Lauren is a Siouxland native, born in Sioux City and raised in Sergeant Bluff. She loves to be active, spending most of her time outdoors, gardening, wakeboarding, and going on walks with her husband Seth (but you’ll still catch her curled up on the couch, watching a movie).

Church has always been a part of Lauren’s life, and her five trips to Haiti only strengthened her relationship with Jesus.

A piece of Scripture near to Lauren’s heart is Titus 2: 11-14 — it inspires her to live her life for God because of the overwhelming grace of God.

Her favorite thing about Elevate (besides the fact that it’s just simply awesome) is the people and the children she gets to meet and work with every week. She is most excited to see the eternal impact Elevate will have on the surrounding community.

Who’s Lauren inviting to dinner? The answer is Paul (but only if Jesus isn’t available).